Breeding Season Of Farm Animals


 In many species, the breeding activity of a female is affected by the seasons of the year. Such

species are called Seasonal Breeders.

 The period of the year when the breeding activity of females of a species is maximum is

termed as Breeding Season.

Monoestrus Animals

 These are those animals that show heat signs only once during their breeding

season. An example of a Monoestrus animal is Bitch.

Polyester Animals

 These are those animals that show heat signs more than once during their breeding

season. Examples of Polyestrus animals are sheep, goats, mare, etc.

Short-Day Breeders

 These are species in which breeding activity increases as the day length decreases.

Typical examples of Short-day breeders are Sheep and Goats.

Long-Day Breeders

 These are species in which breeding activity increases as the day length increases.

A typical example of a Long-Day breeder is Mare.

Sheep & Goats

 In sheep & goats, the breeding season is autumn.

 Some animals also show estrus during spring.

 Sheep remain anestrus during summer


 Throughout the year

 These are polycyclic animals.

 Breeding activity is high during September – December.

 Maximum activity is seen in November.

 Very few animals come into heat during summer.

 Silent heat (oestrus)


 Throughout the year

 These are polycyclic animals.

 Breeding activity is high during March – April.


 The breeding season extends from February-April to August-September.

 Seasonal polycyclic animals

 Peak activity in May-June.


 The breeding season extends from December to April

 Induced ovulator


 Breeding season is August and September.

 Unseasonal monocyclic animal.


 Induced ovulator

 Seasonally polycyclic animal

 The breeding season is Spring and early Fall.


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